Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Kitchen Cabinet Painting | Villa Painting| | Home Painting
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Kitchen Cabinet Painting
we are the best painting company in Dubai. we are working from last 12 years. painting is different types like Interior painting and exterior painting. Interior painting also too many type in my company blogs i will tell you about interior painting details and brand of paint which brand is good in interior painting.
Today I will tell you what is important in painting and today I will explain you how you can do cabinet repaint.
Primer is an important step in the process. It provides a smooth, even surface for the paint to adhere properly. Use a roller for larger areas and a brush for small areas. Be sure to coat all areas, including the underside of the cabinets. Consider using sawhorses for priming and painting the doors, for an easier time and a more even coverage.
Allow the primer to dry thoroughly before you begin to paint. Overnight is generally sufficient for the primer to dry. Apply the paint in thin coats. It’s better to apply a few thin coats than to use one thick coat. Allow twenty four hours between coats for the paint to dry completely. Sand with a fine grit sandpaper between coats.
When the paint has dried completely, you are ready to put the doors back on and replace the hardware. Consider updating the hardware to match your new look. Door handles and hinges are inexpensive and can make a big difference in the look of the room.Don’t skip on the paint. Use high quality paint that is right for the surface being covered. This will be different for wood or metal cabinets. If you want less shine, consider the semi gloss finish.

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